
Monday 9 September 2013

My Wedding Songs

Music has been a big part of my life. And I love to sing to songs that I love and can't stand listening to songs that I am not familiar with. So the last thing I want is having a wedding with unfamiliar songs running in the background throughout. 

I took a lot of effort in choosing our wedding songs for all the occasions.

My PROM The first song for me to walk down the aisle was the most difficult. It has to be meaningful - and it has to be powerful. I wanted something that starts off slow and slowly builds up and ends with a high. I scratched my head and was surprised at how quickly this song came to mind. I remember listening to this rendition on AmericanI Idol and I loved it sooooo much !!! I think I shed a tear watching his performance then ! The arrangement was a perfect FIT !!! 

And the next headache was the last song - It has to be happy, upbeat and represents our commitment to each other after signing off our singlehood. What will be more poignant than this song ???? I have Barrack Obama to thank for this :D

Videos & Photo Montage I do not like songs that are 'overused' - How many times must we hear "I Finally Found Someone" or "A Thousand Years" at weddings ??? Seriously ???? No other songs?? So I didn't leave it up to my PG and VG to select the songs for my vidoes and montage. I gave a few options to my VG and PG specifying exactly which rendition and song cover that I want to use. And they did such a good job at combining them into a single video and montage! Love them to bits for this !

Banquet Dinner 

The Grand Entrance - This took the longest time to decide. I was a bit worried when I still can't find any suitable song 3 weeks before the banquet. And THEN I heard it !!! Thank You The VOICE !!! This is PERFECT !!! 

Second Grand Entrance - I had this song in mind for the longest time ever ! I knew I wanted this song when they used it for one of the Bachelorette's spoilers. Initially, I wanted to use it for the first grand entrance but later decided to use it for the 2nd grand entrance because. Looooooooove it so much !

Food Presentation -  I cringe everytime I hear "The Final Countdown" at other's weddings so I didn't allow the banquet to decide on the song for food presentation. I wanted a song that is not used at every other wedding. I wanted something rock-y with a looooong intro. Then I got it !! Of course ! One of my all time favourite song it is !!

Piped in music/songs during dinner - By now you would have noticed I can't stand predicatible ballads like "I will always love you" or "The greatest love of all". So I insisted to use my own songs again instead of leaving it to the banquet. This was quite easy. I downloaded all Olivia Ong's and Stacey Kent's albums and burnt them into CDs and gave it to the banquet manager. That will last at least 4 hours. As backup, I had Michael Buble's albums. As much as I love him, his albums are too predictable for weddings for me. So backup he is :D