
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Wedding Planners - To Hire or Not

I have to admit that I did consider hiring a wedding planner ("WP"). But I was also unsure of what a WP can offer me since I've got a mind of my own and know exactly who I want to engage and what I want.

So I approached a few wedding planners just to understand the kind of services they can offer. That is how I learnt that a full fledged WP who is credible and experienced can be quite costly.

They cost no less than RM10K - RM20K (excluding banquet cost). The full fledged WP services includes obtaining 3 quotations from 3 different vendors for the couple's considerations. For example, the WP will obtain quotations from 3 photographers, 3 videographers, 3 florists, 3 decorators, 3 gown makers etc etc. Once they obtain all of them, they will arrange for a meeting with the couple to present their findings and let the couples consider and decide on which of the 3 to hire. 

So you see, while the couple does not need to 'shop' for vendors, it does not relieve the couple of much headache as the couple still need to make time to meet the WP every few weeks to decide on many other details that the WP pose for them to decide. Ultimately, the decision is still up to the couple, not the WP. 

 If one has the budget, and is someone who is not particular about details (the gown details/the photography style that the photographer adopts/the videographer style/ makeup artist work/ live band quality), why not.

 But imagine the cost you could have saved had you gone directly to the same photographer /videographer/gown maker as it may cost less as there are rooms for direct negotiations with these vendors.

Most WP also provide 'event day coordination' services - which is to plan, oversee and coordinate the day of the wedding - which is much cheaper than full fledged WP services.This service is cheaper than full fledged WP services and costs depends on the number of tables at your banquet. The more no of tables, the more manpower needed for the organisation hence it will cost more. I got 3 quotations from 3 different WP before for event day coordination for 60 tables and they cost around RM2.5K (not so famous WP) and RM4K (more famous WP).

The WP will request for a meeting a month before the wedding day and the couple will hand over the list of contact no of the vendors that the couple had engaged on their own and the WP will contact them directly and organise them on the day based on the planned program. So there will be less headache for the couple on the day of the wedding.

A cheaper option for 'event day coordination' service will be to engage an Emcee who will also coordinate and plan the wedding banquet for an additional sum on top of their Emcee services. These days, most credible and experienced Emcee offer this service. They cost half the price of WP and you get an additional service, which is a host and entertainer during the wedding banquet.