
Saturday 3 November 2012

Photographer - Pre Wedding Photoshoot

Those who intend to take pre wedding photographs will be spoilt for choices as there are so many photographers to choose from these days.

Putting cost and budget aside, there are a few things to consider before engaging one:

(1) Take your time to do your research and do not hurry

As pre wedding photography is not actual day photography, you do not need to scramble and book the good ones way before the wedding date. Pre wedding can be taken anytime whenever the couple and the photographer is free. Therefore, take some time to  browse through each and every photographer's portfolio before deciding.

(2) Decide on a style

Browse through the porfolios of the many photographers to learn about the different styles of wedding photography. You should be find a lot of different styles taken at different locations (the following are non exhaustive as there are too many to mention):

Cowboy Town 
Old Town
All photos here are credited to the individual photographers mentioned in the photo.

(3) Decide on the Photographer

Now that you have decided on a style that you would like to adopt for your wedding photos, you need to decide on the photographer.

From your research during stage (2), you should be able to tell which photographer is better at the style you chose. A photographer who is good at taking beach photos may not be so good at taking highland photos and vice versa. So decide wisely.

So contact the photographers whom you think takes better photos of your preferred style and work out your budget from there.

Happy Browsing!