
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Actual Day Photography - Weng Yap

A lot of couples engage the same photographer ("PG") to take their pre wedding and actual day ("AD") photos. While this is convenient and may be cheaper since it gives the couple leverage to bargain for a better deal with the PG, it may not be such a good idea.

As I previously mentioned here, it is advisable to research on the style first, and then decide on the PG based on the preferred style chosen because different PG may be better at taking different styles. A PG who is good at taking beach photos may not be as good at taking highlands and vice versa.

The same applies here. A PG who is good at taking AD photos may not be as good at taking pre wedding photos and vice versa.

So it is important to take sometime to research first and before deciding on engaging the same PG for both pre wedding and AD. And when it comes to AD, one of the best in the market who does not like to market himself is undoubtedly Weng Yap. 

Ask anyone in the industry and they will tell you this man is the "master". He may not be as 'famous' as Louis Pang or Jim Liaw or Jenny Sun or Edmund Tham. But do not doubt his capability when it comes to AD photography. He can cover 80 tables ALONE and will still be standing at 1:00 am awaiting your instruction to dismiss him for the night. 

He is a perfectionist. He is such a control freak that he will willingly assume the coordinator role for the morning 'fetch the bride' session and plan the morning session for you. And more importantly, he does not overcharge. His charges are very very reasonable, If anything, for one of his calibre and talent, he is charging waaaaaay too low. 

I've engaged him for my private registration of marriage (4 hours), AD (full day) and hometown dinner (full day) in January/February 2012 and it still costs me less than the charges quoted by another PG for AD (full day) only.

I am so thankful that my gownmaker introduced him to me, otherwise I don't think I will ever be able to find him as he is just too low profile for his own good.

If you are interested to contact him, here's his contact:
Contact Person : Weng Yap
HP No : (6)012-383 1019